I’m Mischa. Welcome to my digital garden! If you’re unsure how to navigate this space, here are some places you can start exploring!
I’m currently in my 5th year out of 6 of an undergraduate degree in Engineering Physics at the University of British Columbia. Right now, my curiosity and passion are driven by exploring the intersections between renewable energy engineering and urban planning through the practice and process of regenerative design. I believe that building a sustainable society will nurture our individual spirits as we become more connected to our local communities.
Some of my previous focuses include leading technical teams to build a solar powered race car at UBC Solar 🌞🔋, and volunteering as a tutor and programmer for newcomers to Canada at Mount Pleasant Neighborhood House ✍️📚.
If you’re curious about my professional life, check out my Resume and Project Portfolio!
To take a break, I love rock climbing, street photography, listening to electronic music, biking around my city, swimming, and hanging out with my friends.
Finally, I love meeting new people! If anything in this garden resonated with you, do reach out through email (majohal67@gmail.com) or LinkedIn - it’d be awesome to get to know you.